Your pet toileting during the groom - £5


Taking time out from grooming your pet in order to clean up their toileting, as well as time taken to clean your pet’s coat up (which can potentially add significant time to the groom) and incorporating the use of cleaning products and supplies. 


Matted fur takes much longer to dry, and the time taken to find and clip out these mats will also prolong the overall time taken to complete the groom. Mats may also affect the final result of the groom, particularly if they are in areas which are difficult to mask, such as the ears or tail. Finally, trying to scissor or clip mats will blunt our equipment much more quickly than smooth, well-brushed fur, so we must take into account the frequency with which we need to have our blades professionally sharpened. 

Multiple mats or large knots - £10

Late Collection - £15 per 15 minutes


Groovy Grooms does not have a kennel license, so we are not legally allowed to house your pet for long periods of time. I also simply do not have the room in my salon to comfortably house multiple pets at once, so this is unfair to the animals. Finally, I must also be considerate of my neighbours, my own family who work from home and my own pets, as well as being conscious of unnecessary noise – particularly if your pet does not kennel well. 

Excessive matting, requiring a shave down - £15


This will significantly prolong the time taken to complete the groom as well as take a marked toll on the sharpness of our equipment. It is overall better for our equipment that we shave off coats before bathing and drying the pet, as this would take an extraordinary amount of time anyway. Using our clippers on unwashed fur will blunt them much more quickly, and we will have to shave your pet twice overall, so that is double the time spent with the clippers in use. 

Aggressive (or fear aggressive) temperament - £15


This makes the overall groom significantly more difficult and stressful for both myself and your pet. My first and main point of concern is the well-being of your pet. If your pet is fearful, they may become aggressive. This is understandable behaviour, and not something that we see any benefit from rushing them through or trying to excessively restrain them through the process. If your pet is sufficiently aggressive where I am unable to complete the groom due to concern for my own safety or the safety of your pet, I will leave it where I am. This does mean that you will still be charged the full price, as I will have dedicated that time out for your pet, but I will also endeavour to help build your pet’s confidence with myself specifically, and in my salon. On occasions such as these, I will work with you, their owner, to organise small but frequent visits into my salon to build up their courage. I have a personal passion for helping fearful pets overcome difficult obstacles, so would be dedicated to making sure we can help them build towards a full groom over time. 


The reason this is an additional charge is because once a flea is spotted on a pet in the salon, I must complete the groom as normal and then sterilise any and all equipment I have used on them that day. Whilst this is standard procedure at the end of any groom, I also have to close down the salon for 3 hours in order to use a veterinary strength flea spray in my pod to ensure any live fleas or flea eggs which may have fallen from your pet and been blown around the salon, are destroyed. This minimises the risk of passing fleas on to other people’s pets. Naturally, this is an aggressive chemical, so my pod must be fully ventilated before either myself or any other pets can reenter and work safely. 

Fleas noticed during groom - £20