I graduated from Myerscough College in 2015 with a BSc (Hons) Degree in Veterinary Nursing.

This course involved three years of study including anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, in-patient care, animal health and welfare, endocrinology, critical care, anaesthesia, diagnostic imaging, peri-operative nursing, one full year in a placement practice and finally ending with exams. This was then followed by a fourth year solely dedicated to dissertation writing which included independent research about a specific topic chosen by me, statistical analysis of the data I collected and presenting my findings at the end of my document. There’s a lot that goes into those four years!

I worked as a Registered Veterinary Nurse from 2015, so have had years of experience in practice and have seen a huge range of cases, species and conditions.

I studied at the Midlands School of Dog Grooming from July 2022 to April 2023 and achieved my OCN Level 3 Diploma in Dog Grooming.

They changed the name of the qualification right as I was completing the course!
This course taught me the importance of coat preparation during the bathing and drying stages - if the bath and dry isn’t good, the groom won’t be good! I then went on the practise grooming on a minimum of 10 different breeds of dog and demonstrating 15 different grooming styles. Once again, quite a lot to pack in!

I have undergone further training to expand my knowledge and my range of services. The first extra education I have undertaken has been the use of the Emmi-Pet Ultrasonic Toothbrush.

This training served as a nice refresher about canine dental health, as well as introducing me to the way the Emmi-Pet toothbrush works, how it should be used and the many benefits of ultrasonic tooth-brushing overall. I am looking forward to making keeping on top of your pet’s pearly whites much easier!