It is known that there can be a variety of skin and coat care problems which may occur after a complete shave down of a pet, particularly in breeds with a double coat. 

These problems may be, but are not limited to the following: 
•  Loss of hair growth 
•  Bald patches 
•  Sunburn 
•  Loss of guard coat 
•  Clipper burn 
•  Coat regrowth in different direction (cowlicks) 
•  Hyperpigmentation of the skin (darkening of the skin where the coat has not grown back) 
•  “Coat funk” (the coat not growing back in the same texture and/or colour prior to shaving) 


I acknowledge that any or all of the above conditions are potential consequences of having my pet shaved down. I give my permission for Groovy Grooms to proceed with the shave down of my pet ________________________ and I do not hold Groovy Grooms responsible if any of the conditions mentioned above do occur on my pet following this procedure.
I accept that should my pet become too distressed or aggressive for the shave down to be completed safely, work shall be abandoned in the effort to protect my pet and Groovy Grooms from injury, but that the full groom charge will still be payable and my pet may leave the salon partially shaved down. I understand that in this instance, Groovy Grooms has done everything they can to complete the procedure safely, and referral to my veterinary practice for sedation and a dematting procedure would be advised.

I have read and agree to this waiver.

Shave Down Waiver