An appointment "reservation fee" will be charged prior to your appointment. This will be around 50% of the total estimated cost, and will be classed as partial payment of your final bill. This deposit can only be refunded if you call to cancel your appointment more than 48 hours in advance.

Appointment Deposit

I am able to provide an estimate of the overall cost of a groom for your pet, but please remember that these are estimates only. We cannot predict the level of work any pet requires until a physical assessment of their coat and behaviour is made. Additional work is charged at an hourly rate, and may be necessary due to your pet's coat condition requiring more time to deal with, or your pet's temperament meaning that I have to work more slowly to navigate them safely. Final total payment must made upon the collection of your pet, or later the same day.

Estimated Costs

Your pet must be up to date with their vaccinations where possible. An unvaccinated pet is at risk of contracting preventable illnesses as well as posing a risk to other pets, such as the young, elderly or immunocompromised.

Vaccination Status

You agree that your pet is fit and healthy. If your pet does have any medical conditions, you must make them clear to me before their first appointment with me. While I take every measure to minimise stress while your pet is under my care, I cannot guarantee that the grooming process will not expose any underlying health conditions. As such, the grooming of an elderly or sick pet is at the owner's own risk.

General Health

Development of Illness Or An Accidental Injury

Naturally, I take the utmost care of every pet during their time with me at the salon. In the unfortunate event of an injury, or an illness developing whilst your pet is in my care, I will call their veterinarian as appropriate. If any veterinary fees are incurred, these are payable to the veterinary clinic by you, the customer, unless it is agreed that I am liable for the injury. While I am fully insured for public liability, pets are left with groomers at the owner's sole risk. A comprehensive insurance policy is always recommended for every pet.

The full "shaving off" of a pet's fur will dramatically change their appearance as the fur is clipped very close to the skin. The customer must sign the Full Shave-Down consent form to give your informed express consent for this procedure.


Customers must collect their pet at the allocated time. Uncollected pets will incur a sitting fee (£15.00 per 15 minutes).

Late Collection Fees

If I am forced to abandon a groom for the safety of myself or your pet (such as due to illness, their temperament, or a high risk of injury to themselves or me), you will still be charged the full cost of the groom. There is no price reduction for incomplete grooms that are a result of human or animal health and safety concerns.

Abandoned Grooms

Under no circumstances will I accept sedated pets. If sedation is necessary, please book in with your veterinary practice.

Sedated Pets

Service Denial

I reserve the right to refuse any pet who presents a risk of harm to themselves, myself, or other pets.